The true prevalence of child abuse largely remains hidden.
Mar 07, 2022
With only one in three abuse events ever getting reported, the true prevalence largely remains hidden.
Child abuse has devastating consequences for both the abuser and the victims. The impact of this crime has been shown to extend well beyond those directly involved. The abuse problem encompasses moral, financial, reputational costs. With annual reported numbers growing 10% year on year, this problem is in no way under control.
Lifetime numbers show that one in six women (16% or 1.5 million) and one in nine men (11% or 992,000) are victims of physical or sexual abuse before 15.
The value of child protection services, out-of-home care (OOHC) services, and intensive family support services were over $18 billion in 2016-17.
Research on lifetime abuse rates vs annual indicates that only one in three child abuse cases is reported. This means we need better systems to accurately report all events and be robust enough to manage much greater volumes.
How do we address this challenge:
Solving the problem lies in enabling communities to be abuse-aware with options that make it easy and straightforward to act [report events, risks, individuals at risk etc.] when needed. Organisations that care for a child are critical as they must be seen as trusted first line support with effective and transparent systems that assist the interplay with community stakeholders.
Safe Havens provides organisations with a modern platform to systemise and operationalise the deployment and management of child-safe capabilities for everyone, everywhere. This is supported by an end-to-end protection system that is child and community-friendly that seamlessly integrates with multiple frontline operational teams and back-office safeguarding operations & services.