$500.00 AUD

12 monthly payments

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

Level 2 [Annual contract - paid monthly] Continuous comprehensive support and service offer

What you'll get:

  • Enjoy 24/7 ticket response with a consistent SLA response on the same day. 

  • Tickets are changed at $200 per event.

  • Included is a monthly Zoom/Teams call for progress reviews and query resolution and or review of feature and or workflow enhancements.

  • Proactive workflow error tracking and response.

  • Service costs to repair complex issues outside of the ticket is at $1200/day. 
  • Elevate your application support experience with us. If you'd like more details and a quote on this, feel free to reach out.

Problem Resolution: We specialise in swiftly resolving issues, ensuring that your systems operate seamlessly.

System Enhancement: Our expertise extends to enhancing systems for optimal performance, aligning them with your organisational goals.

Proof of Concept (POC) Development Option: Turning Ideas into Reality Embarking on a new project or technology implementation can be a significant decision for any organisation. To provide you with a risk-free glimpse into the potential of your vision, we offer a robust Proof of Concept (POC) development option.

Seamless Transition, Elevated Performance: Migration Service Offering Embarking on a migration journey is a pivotal step in advancing your organisation's technological landscape. Our Migration Service Offering is meticulously crafted to ensure a smooth, efficient, and secure transition, minimising disruptions and unlocking the full potential of your new environment.